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X marks the spot!

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Distance Date Name Forum ID Birthday City St/Prov Country eMail Website
X 0 2010-12-28 05:59 marlene chilton Campbell CA USA marlenechiltonyahoocom
i am here
X 73 2007-07-13 12:27 savannah santa rosa califonia USA karategirl62532aolcom
send me spam!!!!!!!!!!!
X 73 2005-09-07 02:01 Sowande Brown-Lawson 0421 San Jose CA USA sbrownlammodecom
i was doing homework and decided to add myself! HI WORLD!!!
X 104 2004-09-13 15:33 Chuck Harding 0317 Livermore CA USA chardingllnlgov
X 118 2004-12-08 19:55 Bobby Frates Toonbug 0430 Hayward California USA toonbug11hotmailcom
X 118 2007-10-17 21:08 Jean 0307 San Jose CA USA
X 136 2004-10-07 05:50 David Powers vernarose1924 0916 San Francisco CA USA vernarose1924sbcglobalnet
interesting web site
X 168 2005-06-14 01:19 Matt Harrington irishlad44 0405 Sacramento California USA sniperharringtongmailcom
X 192 2005-05-27 19:24 joe lathrop USA
X 233 2005-12-21 18:15 Doug Etchison backof_z_bus 0625 Redding California USA backof_z_busyahoocom
X 281 2007-01-02 02:31 Mark Magill DevoSurfer 0801 Coos Bay Oregon USA adminwordforlifecom
Website offers free Christian MP3 Music, MP3 Sermons, MP3 Bibles, more.
X 298 2005-06-15 16:50 Ken Kiplinger San Francisco USA
X 325 2008-07-07 15:29 Garrett Reid Palo Alto CA USA
X 336 2005-04-06 15:09 Sparker Girl 0201 San Carlos CA USA
X 397 2005-04-25 02:34 houndogman 0815 half moon bay california USA houndogmanmaccom
they are using my adress to spam-what do i do?
X 430 2004-08-03 18:45 Donald Duck Anaheim CA USA
X 458 2007-01-10 03:24 Michael J Feist Fresno CA USA mjfeistsbcyahoonet
X 472 2006-03-01 16:29 Chris Linn Los Angeles CA USA
X 472 2009-12-04 04:01 Rob Shaykers 0812 San Diego CA USA Shaykersgmailcom
X 495 2004-07-29 21:16 Lindsay Decent Christian 0817 West Hills California USA abnormalteensbcglobalnet
I hope I'm close..
X 553 2004-08-21 07:48 Shannon Tustin CA USA quiltncatyahoocom
X 553 2006-01-30 00:55 Super Avenger NV USA NoSpamForMecom
Nice list, definately going to use it on my site.
X 561 2004-07-29 21:15 charla charleigh 0609 bend oregon USA okeydokey6983aolcom
X 567 2006-05-22 14:18 John Vargas John Vargas 0622 Bakersfield ca USA jvargas001bakrrcom
I love men!!!
X 626 2005-04-29 13:03 James Crawford ExFiler 0305 Long Beach CA USA ExFilercharternet
Very cool place. Keep it up guys!
X 627 2009-04-26 23:32 Terry Kirkpatrick Salem OR USA
X 650 2010-01-14 07:12 rich son USA rsonrsonhotmailcom
X 650 2010-01-14 07:14 gina perez USA guess21gmailcom
X 663 2005-12-04 16:45 PK PKayeM 0609 Aloha Oregon USA speedemonetteyahoocom http://None yet me if you are too!
X 673 2015-07-12 15:57 Chica & Son ScurvyChica Oregon USA ScurvyChicagmailcom
Do not Send Spam! Trust Me, you will Regert it!
X 686 2005-06-01 10:39 mike 0825 san bernardino CA. USA
X 696 2005-01-31 17:49 Lizz Harrington 611 1211 corvallis oregon USA sk8ergirl13101hotmailcom
find me and ILL KILL YOU!!!!!
X 708 2009-03-24 02:25 Chud 0101 covina ca USA aaaaaanet
X 713 2010-03-14 03:30 Nunya Beeswax Yes 0313 beverly hills ca USA Spammersttackedus
X 759 2004-08-06 04:30 Terry "Time Clock Software Guy" Battle Ground WA USA
Time Clock Software Site
X 773 2004-10-07 10:27 mhbstevens har08po 0513 AGUANGA CA USA michaelhowardstevensearthlinknet
X 798 2004-07-23 16:48 Jim Zile 0226 Astoria OR USA mysterydespammedcom
X 811 2006-03-22 13:41 Crystal 0418 Las Vegas NV USA
X 825 2007-04-02 11:12 0510 portland oregon USA derik_quinnyahoocom
X 832 2006-11-25 02:37 Yvette T 1124 San Diego California USA
X 860 2004-08-23 16:47 Tim 1208 Alpine California USA higg65coxnet
Beware of Alexey Somorph he is a theif!!!!
X 860 2016-09-21 03:46 Amanda Pool 0206 Phoenix Az USA mzblazinhotmamihotmailcom
X 878 2005-06-30 00:04 svkid 1230 san diegp california USA
this is kinda kewl......rock on
X 887 2004-07-25 03:19 1210 Phoenix Arizona USA
X 906 2006-10-08 05:55 Hank Betke 0619 San Diego CA USA hjbetkehotmailcom
X 910 2005-01-30 23:31 Dolly 0109 Quartzsite AZ USA
X 910 2005-03-10 18:39 Matt 0109 Phoenix Arizona USA ccaptianaolcom
I wish I was somewhere else
X 917 2005-06-03 15:44 Liz 0111 phoenix arizona USA
X 944 2006-01-15 21:25 Aaron Flagstaff Az USA
X 944 2006-02-27 15:09 Rich Raton NM USA
X 957 2005-08-05 17:15 Hallie Holland 0324 bremerton Wa USA
Life is great!!!!!
X 960 2004-08-06 04:26 Eric Spokane WA USA
X 984 2007-02-05 17:10 Sasha Quincy Washington USA
X 994 2005-02-01 16:10 Loni Freymann denise 0804 Benton City Washington USA hotteachlonieaolcom
RVing through USA and loving every minute!
X 998 2004-09-15 00:15 Rory Ricord 0920 Sandy USA
This is really cool!

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