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X marks the spot!

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Distance Date Name Forum ID Birthday City St/Prov Country eMail Website
X 0 2005-09-16 00:40 Chris woow 0104 new york ny USA christophermjohnsonhotmailcom
X 33 2007-06-25 20:35 Vargas the Bodypainter 0326 West New York USA vargasbodypaintUScom
John Vargas the Bodypainter
X 46 2010-06-14 16:47 Terra USA terrafcompuservecom
X 66 2005-03-28 09:54 Chris Gibson 1227 Forked River NJ USA gotmyendyahoocom
X 104 2005-12-21 15:17 Walt 0407 Medford NJ USA
X 118 2008-04-20 08:57 Elizabeth D Cantrell edc1951 0718 Northport NY USA lisaisover50gmailcom
X 118 2007-09-10 22:32 Taun Jim 0713 Norwalk CT USA noemailpleasethankyoucom
Pointless Procrastination f
X 140 2005-07-17 16:17 Veronica Anne Lee Jerseygirl1980 0720 Palmyra New Jersey USA Darlawood80msncom
X 147 2011-07-07 20:27 MeMan Philadelphia PA USA
X 165 2004-06-24 16:29 Kelly Chien wundertertle 0814 Hobart NY USA pushpinmapwundertertlecom
Hey! I was the first! :)
X 165 2004-06-26 13:37 Tara Miss Mickey 0401 Hobart NY USA
X 177 2004-06-25 16:31 Justin lueggy3 0411 Oneonta NY USA
X 208 2005-07-28 11:21 charles padprint 1031 Rutland VT USA ppmovceanetscapenet
X 221 2016-08-08 03:30 Pam Wallace USA PamW7845yahoocom
X 221 2005-07-19 16:09 Dave Baltimore MD USA jumpinthefirekb3kaicom
spam, not bad with moshed potatoes
X 237 2005-07-12 12:52 Jared Colton Jared 0820 Oneonta New York USA pushpinmapjaredcoltoncom
X 266 2006-08-09 23:13 BetcX BetC 0810 Utica NY USA
X 272 2004-06-25 10:11 Luke Oneonta NY USA
X 272 2004-06-27 12:04 Sara Mrs. Obie Oneonta NY USA
Don't steal my identity!
X 297 2004-06-25 16:16 Jared 0620 Oneonta NY USA
X 304 2005-03-16 18:44 Sam Oldak 0924 Bethesda MD USA samoldakscom
X 304 2008-05-20 17:10 Natalia 0331 Groton CT USA
X 311 2004-10-01 15:07 Scott Lacy slacy 0511 Washington DC USA slacyspeakeasynet
X 313 2004-06-25 10:24 Teri Teri 0205 Maryland NY USA onefinegirl1971yahoocom
cool site
X 330 2005-03-10 15:40 Thomas Gallman USA
X 364 2005-07-15 01:52 Jeni Syracuse NY USA
X 368 2004-06-26 11:02 AnnA 0927 Syracuse NY USA
X 376 2007-05-16 15:53 Shelly Vienna VA USA
X 376 2006-02-09 20:19 Lori Mousetek 1105 Oneonta NY USA
X 386 2005-06-14 18:59 Jenna Jagodzinski 1219 Rochester NY USA psychopathic123yahoocom
X 397 2016-01-25 12:30 Test 0512 k1fl0wo2pl
X 397 2005-02-28 18:17 Winson boo 1029 Brooklyn New York USA
Hello, world.
X 397 2006-02-05 21:08 Roger White Brooklyn New York USA
X 402 2005-10-21 13:17 Kaila MusicalOrca 1229 Norfolk VA USA bc_cheetacoxnet
AIM me if ya wanna talk SailurPluto
X 402 2009-07-02 20:29 A.J. Boston MA USA
X 429 2008-02-04 04:58 Jim F. Matheny Mustang 0101 Newark Ohio USA jimmathenymsmispcom
I love this world--It is beautiful...
X 448 2005-05-13 15:47 Alix Slabinski 0410 plainville USA
X 472 2004-08-08 20:46 Doug LcdDrmr 0926 Norfolk VA USA LcdDrmr9aolcom
X 490 2005-03-14 23:28 walt s Williamsville NY USA
X 499 2004-06-30 09:46 Dawn Kneller 0318 olyphant Pennsylvania USA dawnrenee87attnet
hello to all grins and giggles and God Bless :)
X 503 2004-09-19 00:44 wasagamike toronto Canada
X 515 2005-01-09 11:08 Taker 1201 Dover New Hampshire USA
X 521 2005-01-23 13:12 Dakota 1003 Brookhaven Pennsylvania USA emilineverizonnet
Go Brookhaven Jets!!
X 532 2016-12-07 21:14 Erin Hirschorn ekErin Hirschorn 0929 pawcatuck Connecticut USA ekHirschornyahoocom
X 541 2008-01-27 20:14 Warren Stella USA warren_stellawellsfargoiscom
X 546 2004-12-20 22:58 Lori Ellbee Walton NY USA
X 553 2008-07-31 16:40 Copernica Parma OH USA
X 569 2007-04-16 19:29 Maximum Ride Maximum Ride HIDING HIDING USA
X 577 2005-05-13 16:32 clammydog 0823 Toronto Ontario Canada
X 587 2005-04-12 12:52 Brian Swan 0412 Grand Island NY USA
X 606 2008-05-12 18:39 KYla Merrimack USA musicrokksmilifegmailcom
X 608 2004-08-01 13:26 Crystal Rotondo Ms Gago 0129 Burkeville Virginia USA MrsGagowmconnectcom
I bet nobody knows where I'm at, it's so far back in the sticks lol =)
X 616 2006-01-04 22:49 sherry spainter 0927 bunker hill west va. USA spainter433aolcom
hello from bunker hill
X 616 2004-12-27 22:15 JPL 0615 Montreal Quebec Canada laurinspamcopnet
JPL was here!
X 616 2005-03-25 13:30 Christen Miles dark_falls2003 0529 Newport News Va USA cjboo1yahoocom
Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.
X 622 2006-04-20 22:55 Jamie 0917 Keswick Ontario Canada
X 630 2005-05-13 13:03 shawn 0822 beeton ontario Canada
X 634 2005-05-16 00:26 Ian Erie Pennsylvania USA
Could I possibly be more insomniatic?
X 634 2008-04-09 08:45 OH USA dougrommelamgreetingscom
X 634 2004-07-20 14:07 Kip Winger Akron OH USA
X 634 2011-12-13 16:08 George Russell Oshawa On Canada
X 640 2005-12-23 16:56 James 0423 Cambridge Ontario Canada
Canada baby!
X 648 2007-08-28 23:23 michael housefield 0920 cleveland oh USA grneyedldy215yahoocom
X 648 2005-03-10 15:41 Sandra Sandi 0531 Oshawa Ontario Canada sandieyyzmsncom
X 655 2005-08-04 23:00 Matt Matt2010 0502 Welland Ontario Canada hew_zakyahooca
X 655 2005-09-26 18:46 Heather lumiere 0904 Orillia Ontario Canada heathertwistypawscom
X 660 2004-06-25 17:26 Denise Reker IAmDenise 0802 London Ontario Canada duh_dunnhotmailcom
X 664 2004-06-27 14:14 Steven Crouter Steve Crouter 0813 Peterborough Ontario Canada croutershotmailcom
I live here! SO STAY AWAY!!! LoL
X 668 2004-06-25 17:29 Evan Reker Kereker 0204 London Ontario Canada
X 680 2005-09-16 00:24 David T. Howard 0717 providence RI USA dho7622upostofficeuriedu
X 693 2004-06-24 22:36 Emily Baker Emilie 0214 Peterborough Ontario Canada
X 700 2004-06-24 20:01 Rhonda 0930 Columbus OH USA
here I am! :)
X 712 2004-08-15 01:37 jesse jesse 1228 reynoldsburg ohio USA jdudde04junocom
God rocks, and so do you!
X 712 2004-08-18 19:16 sheila 0120 dayton ohio USA
X 713 2005-05-30 18:03 mark toronto ontario Canada markwebyahoocom
spam and scams are evil!
X 720 2004-07-01 21:11 Em Angel Gurl Em 0220 Lindsay Ontario Canada short_n_sweet285hotmailcom
Happy Canada Day!
X 723 2005-06-01 11:33 Jay JayQoiDijon or Engaged Jay 0701 Wellston Ohio USA jeremiah_jamesyahoocom
Since Ive moved down here its been the best choice Ive ever made
X 723 2005-06-01 11:36 Mary Engaged Mary 1001 Wellston Ohio USA morrowjj3aolcom
Its me...Jays Fiance and Iam happy to meet all of you. Aint Jesus cool? lol
X 723 2004-10-04 13:11 Angel 0216 Rougemont USA
X 724 2005-09-12 12:53 D.W. Daniel EeeTee 0620 Raleigh NC USA EeeTee_yahoocom http://ATTWorldnet pages
Hiya Stinky
X 726 2006-12-04 17:46 Lisa M. 1101 Delphos OH USA britnyscchotmailcom Http://
Hello out there from Delphos, OH!
X 728 2007-07-18 13:38 Kaitlin Tippin 0319 Bryan OH USA liltippinhotmailcom
X 732 2017-08-16 11:19 Darrell Larose 0402 Ottawa Ontario Canada darrelllarosegmailcom
X 737 2008-06-29 15:28 Rachel Sobeski 0317 ada ohio USA rdsobeski05yahoocom
X 748 2007-11-03 20:26 joel sward joelsward 0305 wakefield RI USA joelhouseofmusclecom
X 753 2005-03-22 08:46 kaylee 1227 ohio USA
X 770 2017-03-06 09:51 Russell Baker New York russellbaker_4hotmailcom
X 778 2007-04-21 10:59 William Thompson NA 0418 Asheboro North Carolina USA
Thanks for all of this info. I learned a lot looking at your site.
X 793 2005-06-26 15:10 Paul Corriveau 0718 Bellingham Massachussetts USA pfc0789direcwaycom
Im Amazing.
X 794 2005-09-08 16:51 laurie Glenburn Maine USA
X 798 2005-06-23 12:03 Jennifer Carter 1021 Raleigh NC USA jen_at_pittyahoocom
X 798 2005-10-12 12:25 John Berry Augusta USA
X 815 2017-10-28 19:27 Deb Young 0919 Palm Harbor FL USA Dhair9yahoocom http://U
Contact me!
X 819 2004-09-06 12:03 0528 farmington maine USA
X 819 2006-04-05 15:24 Berry Augusta Maine USA
X 827 2004-07-15 14:31 Wendi Perdonada 0130 Ada OH USA myconstantdottedlinehotmailcom
X 827 2006-03-30 09:15 Jude 0915 Ottawa Ontario Canada
Yup. That's where I am.
X 841 2005-08-20 19:20 David Innes 1102 Lumberton nc USA canandaiguaguyhotmailcom
I hate spam 2
X 851 2006-10-24 19:55 jason thomas USA jmoneyxxxaolcom
X 856 2005-01-29 20:33 courtney 0310 applegate michigan USA courtneythatsme13yahoocom
idk what to say
X 868 2005-01-09 20:26 Angela Collier 0309 Cincinnati OH USA angiecolliergmailcom
X 871 2005-10-18 10:05 Melinda melliebeans 0122 Bay City Michigan USA granniemelhotmailcom
Howdy :)
X 871 2006-04-16 19:42 Gregory Farmington Maine USA
We strive to be good folks here in the internet community and lose money from banning SPAMers but, you know, at least we sleep well at night.
X 876 2006-03-01 16:28 Chris Linn Sterling Heights Michigan USA
X 888 2004-06-25 20:26 Matthew Chase Flint Michigan USA webmasterjesusisrisenorg
Never more than 5 miles from a body of water, no more than 85 miles from a Great Lake, gotta love Michigan, USA! HOO HA!
X 891 2007-01-21 19:41 michael housefield 0920 columbus Indiana USA grneyedldy215yahoocom
X 907 2004-07-18 13:14 Jim Warren MI USA N8KKGCOMCASTNET
X 931 2017-04-10 14:19 Margaret Barbosa 0831 USA margaretbarbosa1977gmailcom
X 938 2006-12-18 19:14 joanne jaber 1010 perrysburg oh USA jjarmani1aolcom http://none`
Merry Christmas
X 939 2007-02-06 11:19 Wendi Perdonada 0130 Spring Arbor Michigan USA
X 950 2005-11-02 09:11 Will Lansing Michigan USA orangesnake410comcastnet
X 975 2006-06-16 15:44 Catherine Infantado sportsgirl1962 0204 Lincoln Park Michigan USA cinfantadokallascompanycom
I'd rather be dancing!!!
X 975 2016-07-26 23:03 Jordan Taylor 1119 Lake Orion Michigan USA Jtayl553fordcom
X 975 2006-04-24 20:47 Lori (Toomanyangels) Goose Creek SC USA
X 981 2006-04-25 20:58 Luther BS DIGITAL 0824 Grand Rapids Michigan USA blahblahcom
X 992 2008-04-03 14:29 Nicador Chapa 0829 Lansing MI USA chapanichotmailcom

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